
by Daniel McNeet on September 19, 2012

Good day, good people.

For devotees of the English language: Delphic is an adjective. It means vague and ambiguous.

The entrenched and intractable politicians are ripping apart the great Bible, the Constitution, they all supposedly believe in. Do they not realize this? Why?

When disenchantment by Americans with politicians’ ideals comes to the fore, dissent, outrage and/or peaceful protesting are the truest forms of patriotism.

In September 2009 President Obama was speaking to Congress. Representative Joe Wilson yelled at him, “You lie!” John Boehner’s vulgar opposition on the House floor to the Affordable Health Care Act was not civil either when he screamed, “Hell no!” How can progress be made for the benefit of Americans, their employer, if being civil and compromise are the signs of weakness? It cannot.

When you see the injustice of the Paul Ryan budget, the crimes of indifference and silence by Americans who are not outraged are greater injustices.

Is it patriotic to buy an election at any cost? There was a woman, Meg Whitman, the former CEO of Ebay, who spent reportedly one hundred and forty-five million dollars of her own money on her campaign for governor of California. The voters saw through the diaphanous screen, were not fooled and were offended by her attitude that the voter could be bribed. Her reward was defeat.

The election of Willard Mitt Romney is another example in progress. The decision by the Supreme Court in the Citizens United case gave birth to super-PACS. The worst Supreme Court decision since the 1857 Dred Scott Decision. Obscene amounts of money can be given by anonymous donors. What are the donors ashamed of? The money is now to be used to bribe the voters to elect Willard president on 6 November 2012. Super-PACS are now the alternative to the fund raising and giving by the Republican National Committee, R.N.C., because of the laws which restrict it.

As always, money makes the decisions and marionettes do as they are told. Willard now becomes a marionette controlled by those whom control the super-PACS. Karl Rove, the puppeteer, formerly known as “George W. Bush’s brains” and by the name “Turd Blossom” by W, is now in control of the super-PACS, American Crossroads and American Crossroads GPS, he formed with his partner Ed Gillespie. Rove has anointed himself the president of the shadow R.N.C and will now control it. Willard in his weakness and not using good judgment has agreed to allow Rove to be his brains. Rove’s surrogate, Ed Gillespie, is the strategic-decision maker and leader of Willard’s election campaign. Of course, according to the Supreme Court these relationships are illegal. But when you believe you are above the law, you do it anyway. Nothing if anything will be done about it until after the election. Right? Right, if ever.

Secret donors to super-PACS and special interest groups are not giving obscene amounts of money to American Crossroads and American Crossroads GPS and other like-minded organizations for good government and to benefit the American people. If they were, they would not be supporting Willard. If elected, they know he will execute executive orders and try to have legislation passed to benefit himself financially which would also benefit the donors. This largess, more than a billion dollars, would also be used to try to elect marionettes to the House and Senate.

Willard has no compassion or empathy for the Middle Class and the poor. He has never had to struggle financially like the people who were ruined by his ilk who caused the 2008 recession. He has never been Middle Class or poor and cannot identify with them— the great majority of Americans. Logic dictates he will be told to repay himself, which will include his donors, implement the Ryan budget, and let the Middle Class and the poor fend for themselves by struggling to pay for Ryan’s budget. I see no other scenario. Will this now be an oligarchy or a plutocracy? Your choice.

President Obama in order to defend his patriotism must engage in the same obscene money raising activity in order to defend himself, all the American people and his American ideals against Karl Rove, not Willard.

What does Rove and the donors want in return from Willard if elected?

• No taxes
• Make the Middle Class pay for the Ryan budget which does not benefit all Americans equally.
• No regulations of Wall Street, banks and the financial services industry. This will allow them to generate enormous profits and create another 2008 recession by repeating their illegal conduct.
• No regulations of corporations which would interfere with increasing profits.
• Remove the Environmental Protection Agency. So American companies can cut their costs of producing a clean environment and go back to polluting for profits that danger the health of all Americans. The EPA to date has saved billions of dollars in health-care costs by instituting strict regulations on pollution.
• Repeal the Affordable Health Care Act
• And finally, anything else they want no matter who it hurts.

What we must all remember is: this is the same Karl Rove who was instrumental in electing George W. Bush. He will be remembered as one of the worst presidents. Rove was Bush’s political advisor and deputy chief of staff during his terms as president. He quit late in his second term. W was elected when the country was doing well, and he and Dick Cheney drove it into near bankruptcy by intentionally not regulating those who caused the recession of 2008. And to date, none of the responsible has been indicted, arrested, prosecuted or convicted for their illegal acts.

Rove is the one who told George W. Bush during his first term he could not be reelected in 2004 unless he went to war. So Bush started two — Afghanistan and Iraq. He went to war illegally in Iraq according to Kofi Anan, the former Secretary-General of the United Nations. As a result of committing an illegal act of war, Bush, Cheney and their cabal are responsible for the homicides of all of the U.S. Military personnel, Iraqi Military personnel and civilians. The conservative number of deaths are in excess of 150,000. When are they going to be brought to justice?

When Willard and Paul are asked specific questions regarding the Ryan budget’s tax cuts, which loopholes are to be closed, how and who are to pay for the budget, they give Delphic answers. They say they will answer these questions after the election.

Do we really want another Rove controlled president who appears before he is elected to be not knowledgeable about how he is going to handle the finances of this country? He is running on his record as a successful businessman is he not? When are we going to hear specifically what he is going to do to improve the economy faster than it is growing now? When are we going to hear how he is going to create more jobs faster than they are being created now?

What is your thought on the contribution you can make to reelect a president who has compassion and empathy for the American people? He passed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act so women could receive equal pay as men for equal work. Because of the Affordable Health Care Act, 1.3 million formerly uninsured Americans are now insured. American Recovery and Investment Act combined tax breaks with spending on infrastructure projects, extension of welfare benefits, education and other legislation for the fair treatment of all Americans. When the intractable members in Congress would not act for the benefit of their employer, the president signed executive orders that did. This is called treating all Americans fairly.

Is it unpatriotic and un-American when a person who is a candidate for president has no apparent interest or intention of representing all Americans equally?

What I hope I have accomplished in my life is to be able to separate the person from his or her policies. You should not dislike or hate a person you do not know, but you can dislike or hate their policies if they lack compassion, empathy or desire to help the less fortunate among us. I am sure Willard is a good person, and he will be good to his family in the future. The problem is: Willard’s and Paul’s budget will not be good for the Middle Class and the poor in the future. They will be paying increased taxes for the tax cuts in the Willard-Paul budget. The Middle Class is the engine of democracy. Penalizing the Middle Class so Willard and his donors will only be paying one percent in taxes on their income is un-American and unpatriotic. Willard has forsaken his potential, sometimes known as a maybe, employer, the American people. A person who would do this is not representing all Americans equally, but unequally and is not qualified to represent the American people. He is without compassion for the Middle Class and the poor.

I hope this post will give you something to consider and discuss. To be successful you must understand other people’s opinions and care about them.

I care about your opinion. Contacting me with comments and constructive criticisms at Daniel McNeet with honesty and pleasantness their constant companions will always be welcomed.


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