Consideration and Courtesy

by Daniel McNeet on March 13, 2012

Good day, good people.

For devotees of the English language: Ineluctable is an adjective. It means inevitable.

What is inconsiderate and discourteous to you, do not do to others — a good principle to live by.

There is no doubt a lack of consideration, courtesy, empathy, compassion, generosity and kindness toward others is not new and is not going to change, but we can try by re-educating the offenders. Embracing these character traits is a part of good conduct on the Internet, and if you add it to your daily life toward others, it will be beneficial to yourself and them. These are attributes of a moral sense. These traits could even be a teaching tool for the less fortunate among us whom believe their ineluctable participation in vulgarity and obscenity and other of equal misconduct is endearing them to the reader who has had the misfortune. But denigrating others is an ineffective action to attempt to raise one’s own low self-esteem. Before the Internet some quotes from famous authors about famous authors comes to mind whom may have illustrated at times to have been without these admired qualities.

“Am reading more of Oscar Wilde. What a tiresome, affected sod.” This was Noel Coward’s kindness toward Wilde in 1946. Why would Coward read more, if it was not to his liking?

Vladimir Nabokov is reputed to have said about Fyodor Dostoevsky in a moment of generosity, “Dostoevky’s lack of taste, his monotonous dealings with persons suffering with pre-Freudian complexes, the way he has of wallowing in the tragic misadventures of human dignity — all this is difficult to admire.”

“Also, to be fair, there is another word of praise due to this ship’s library: it contains no copy of The Vicar of Wakefield, that strange menagerie of complacent hypocrites and idiots, of theatrical cheap-john heroes and heroines, who are always showing off, of bad people who are not interesting, and good people who are fatiguing.” Mark Twain’s courteous evaluation of the writing of Oliver Goldsmith in 1897.

Consideration, courtesy, empathy, compassion, generosity, kindness and respect for others should not be considered as qualities of weakness. Quite the opposite, they are elements of good manners and class. I have known many poor people who had good manners and class and many rich without either.

Nor should firmness or constructive criticism be considered anger. Sometimes the written word makes it difficult to determine the difference. But when receiving the information verbally it is all in the delivery, tone and the look in the speaker’s eyes — collectively called body language.

What is your thought on the contribution good conduct can make on the Internet and day-to-day interaction with others?

Contacting me with comments and constructive criticisms with honesty and pleasantness their constant companions will always be welcomed.

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