Biases and Unknown Biases

by Daniel McNeet on July 15, 2016

For the linguaphiles among us, the word for the day is: Helotry, it is a noun. It means slavery.

All humans have biases known and unknown including law enforcement officers. The only difference is law enforcement officers receive law enforcement training in different degrees of expertise. There are 18,000 police departments in the U.S. Some departments train their officers in bias for ten hours and some departments for one hundred hours. The Dallas Police Department is considered to be one of the best trained. But a police officer can only do so much. He is not qualified to be the answer to all of the problems in the American ghettos designed and built by white legislators and decision makers in the cities.

The killing of ghetto dwellers, people of color, Hispanics and others, by their kind, and the police illegally, is renaming our country. It is on the verge of being called the Divided People of America. This attitude was brought with the first-English immigrants to our continent in the 17th century. The settlers considered the native-American Indians to be subhumans and killed them with impunity. They learned this attitude from the activities of Columbus and the white colonists’ and Catholic Church’s slavery and murder of Central and South American Indians. This white supremacy attitude still exists today. It is demonstrated by the mistreatment obviously, obliquely and subtlety of minorities.

According to Douglas A Blackmon in his Pulitzer Prize book Slavery by Another Name contends slavery did not end in the United States until 1974.

Depending on which historian you read about Christopher Columbus, he engaged in helotry and massacred somewhere between 400,000 and 1,000,000 Indians of the West Indies with immunity after he had landed and occupied the lands.

The English, Portuguese, French, Germans, and Americans colonized Central and South America in collusion with the Catholic Church in the 16th century. The church sold fear to the indigenous Indians and enslaved them, too. Fear is the best recruiter for religions. The white colonists and the Catholic Church of Central and South America considered the indigenous Indians to be subhumans. They turned them into slaves and killed them with impunity, too. These violations of human rights and genocide are documented in Eduardo Galeano’s trilogy, Genesis, Faces and Masks and Century of the Wind.

The concentration of poverty, lack of an opportunity for a good education, job or vocational training in the ghettos are causing continuous interaction between the police and the ghetto dwellers. The white decision makers in the cities, in the banking sectors, controlling housing and infrastructure make it difficult, if not impossible, for a ghetton to rise to the middle class and out of poverty. It is systemic in our society. We have white-affirmative action in the United States for two hundred and thirty-eight years. No one chooses or wants to live under these violent conditions that exist in the ghettos. But the whites say otherwise. They say the people in the ghetto have chosen to live there among their own. Businesses wants cheap labor.

What is needed is legislation to make a difference regarding fellow Americans who are disadvantaged and are forced to live in squalid war zones. After all, the whites caused the problems by their bigotry and racism, and now it is time for them to take responsibility for their misconduct and correct their desires, morals, and racism.

And the worst of the worst are the whites who caused the ghettos and oppression and then express the need to help the oppressed. Do nothing and talk it to death. The whites are wont to say they are saving lives of violent blacks from themselves by having a large-police presence. This presence only increases the tensions which already exist. Pushing the two populations together is not a problem solver, but a problem creator.

The Black Lives Matter movement started after the killing of Mike Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. The campaign is putting enormous numbers of peaceful protesters in the streets. They are controlling the conversation and hopefully will be successful in making the changes needed over the objections of the white patriarchal society.

The answer lies in the compassion and empathy by the police officers for the ghettons and the same by them for the police officers. They must mingle and talk. Building trust will build peace. Let diplomacy replace death. This progress is going to be generational. Not today, tomorrow or this year.

We are living in a patriarchal society in which women and minorities are treated as second-class citizens. Oppression comes in many forms, lower wages for women doing the same job as men and targets for abuse and sexual harassment by their male superiors. Minorities are oppressed by the violence in their ghettos, the police, and businesses which enslave them with mistreatment and low wages which cannot sustain their two-bad habits — eating and breathing.

White-patriarchal supremacy is still alive and doing well today. What suggestions can you offer to change this culture?
Contacting me with comments and constructive criticisms with honesty and pleasantness, their constant companions, will always be welcome Feedback on my website.

American Indian On Christians

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